InsingerGilissen: best wealth manager?

Find the right partner to manage your assets

Good wealth management is constructing and managing a client's investment portfolio in such a way that the types of investments, risks and return opportunities are a perfect match for him or her. This means that the asset manager needs to understand the client's circumstances, preferences, risk appetite and goals. 

At InsingerGilissen, we therefore enter into extensive discussions with new clients first. Only when we have a deep understanding of what drives someone and what plans he or she has, do we get to the question of how best to realise financial goals. That extensive preliminary process characterises our approach. Then our specialists propose an investment strategy, based on the best available instruments, some exclusively available to clients of our bank. You can therefore safely call us the best asset manager for our clients. We focus on freely investable assets from one million euros. Are you interested in discretionary portfolio management? 

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Waar moet u op letten bij vermogensbeheer?

What to look out for in wealth management

Suppose you want to have your assets expertly invested and are comparing different asset managers. So what should you look out for? Your first thought might be: costs. Understandable, because the fewer costs, the more returns you will have. But perhaps even more important is that your asset manager suggests an investment strategy specifically suited to you, so that your investments can continue to fit well with who you are and your goals in the future. For example, with your preferences on sustainability or your need for regular income. It also matters a lot whether you feel comfortable with the service as a whole and whether you have sufficient options to track your investments via your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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Our services go beyond asset management

If you choose InsingerGilissen to manage your wealth, you will have a dedicated contact person, your personal Client Advisor, who will regularly take the time to discuss your investment portfolio with you. Then we will check whether your investments are still in line with your requirements and goals and you will receive an explanation of the investment policy pursued, the returns achieved and our current investment outlook. But our service goes further. For example, you can outsource your private administration to us through our Shoe Box service. Also, we offer financial planning and estate planning, last will & testament execution services, lending services and we can set up strategies for your donations, gifts and supporting charities. In addition, we can extend our services by helping preparing the generations after you to learn how to handle wealth: your (grand)children between 18 and 30 can participate in our NextGen programme.

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Onze dienstverlening gaat verder dan Vermogensbeheer
Persoonlijke aanpak is onze standaard

Investment objective determines the form of asset management

One of the most important questions to ask yourself when looking for a wealth manager is whether the form and structure of the asset management on offer is a good match for personal, specific goals. This is where a special service from InsingerGilissen comes in handy. Namely, we work together with external, certified financial planners and estate planners. Their costs are included in the 'all-in fee' of our Discretionary Portfolio Management and Investment Advisory services. Together with your Client Advisor, these planners discuss your wishes, motives and goals. This conversation will result in clarity about your financial goals and the route towards them. Think of a supplementary income, acquiring real estate, financing your (grand)child's university education or setting up a new company. But they can also advise on gifting, bequeathing and supporting charities.

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Sustainable investing in our vision

At its core, sustainable investing is about respecting the interests of all relevant stakeholders – from employees to regulators, to the environment and the communities in which a company operates. To assess this, we use sustainability data, provided by Morningstar Sustainalytics, an independent research institute. The collected sustainability factors can reveal risks for (the market value of) the company under investigation and provide an indication of the possible negative effects of the company and its activities on the environment. The assessment of sustainability factors contributes to risk mitigation because risks can be identified earlier.


Duurzaam beleggen in onze visie
Duurzaam beleggen in de praktijk

Sustainable investing in practice

Our portfolios are deliberately structured in such a way that they are at least 85% aligned with environmental and social characteristics. We exclude or avoid transactions that are not in line with environmental, social and ethical standards. Before investing in companies, we screen 190 'ESG' topics in our analysis. ESG stands for the English terms 'environmental' (environment), 'social' (society) and 'governance' (good corporate governance).

Our commitment to sustainable investing goes beyond initial investment decisions. InsingerGilissen is an active shareholder and engages in dialogue with companies to bring about positive change and improve their environmental and social practices. We consider active ownership as our most important and powerful tool to promote environmental and social characteristics. We enter into dialogue with companies, together with other shareholders, on topics such as the risk of climate change, sustainable reporting and strategy & corporate culture. We try to encourage companies to improve their social and environmental behavior and also use proxy voting to achieve these goals.

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Risk goes hand in hand…

As you will know, in investing, and therefore also in wealth management, investment returns and risk go hand in hand. The rule of thumb is: the higher the chances of return, the higher the risk. But what risk can you or do you want to accept? Before you invest with us via Asset Management, we will work with you to determine which risk profile best suits you and your goals. And afterwards, during the periodic review meetings, we check whether your risk profile is still appropriate. By risk we mean the chance that a price (or value development) deviates from the average historical return. Good to know: avoiding risk can also have negative consequences. Because anyone who chooses as little risk as possible, also limits their chances of return. And that can mean that certain financial goals remain out of reach.

Risico gaat hand in hand…
… met rendement

...with returns

We are transparent about the performances of our investment strategies. That is why we provide insight into this via the comparison site We emphasize that past performance does not guarantee future returns and the latter goes hand in hand with risk. We strive for a solid return against responsible risk.

How much does an asset manager cost?

Costs are an important factor in selecting the best asset manager. Don't just pay attention to the costs ('fee') that an asset manager charges for managing the assets. There may also be costs involved with the investments ('investment instruments') that the asset manager chooses, such as mutual funds or index trackers. InsingerGilissen has been striving to reduce these costs for years and has been rather successful in doing so. Since 2021, the average costs of the investment instruments used within our Discretionary Portfolio Management have fallen by 0.11 to 0.30 percentage points, depending on the management strategy. And we have set ourselves the goal of reducing them even further. Curious about the costs of our asset management? You can find the rate overview table via the link below on the page on Discretionary Portfolio Management.

Rate overview

Wat kost een vermogensbeheerder?
Wat maakt InsingerGilissen tot de beste vermogensbeheerder van Nederland?

What makes InsingerGilissen the best asset manager in the Netherlands?

In our opinion, our personal approach, our track record with excellent investment results and the sustainability standards that we apply at all times are good arguments for considering InsingerGilissen as the best bank in the Netherlands for wealth management. But you can also rely on independent external evaluators. For example, you can read on “InsingerGilissen is rated 5 stars by Finner. This means that the private bank receives the highest possible rating from Finner and can therefore be seen as a reliable asset manager.” Finner awards the maximum 5 stars to all sub-areas: organization, cost policy, investment policy and risk policy. Our private banking services have also been rated as very good by independent evaluators. For example, in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, we received a 'Gouden Stier' (Golden Bull) from IEX for four years in a row as an award for 'The best private bank in the Netherlands'. In addition, Quintet, the international private banking group of which we are part, also regularly wins prizes.

Our prizes

InsingerGilissen: for a richer life

In summary, our private banking services are aimed at helping our clients experience a richer life. First of all, literally, through the investment performance of our Discretionary Portfolio Management and Investment Advice. But also through our additional services. As mentioned, you can think of financial planning and estate planning (passing on your assets to your surviving relatives), administration & executor, lending, administrative support, donating strategies, gifts and supporting charities. We are also happy to contribute to the preparation of generations after you to own assets.

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InsingerGilissen: ervaar een rijker leven

Our services at a glance

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