Directive (EU) 2015/2366 was adopted on 25 November 2015, amending the Payment Services Directive (PSD): PSD2. Among other things, PSD2 compels banks to make account information and payment initiation services available to account holders who wish to use these services via licensed third parties. InsingerGilissen Bankiers N.V. (hereafter: InsingerGilissen) has opted to do this using API technology. InsingerGilissen’s APIs enable licensed third parties to deliver the services listed below.

API InsingerGilissen – account information
The API for account information enables transactions and real-time balances to be retrieved from accessible online current accounts at InsingerGilissen. Use of this service enables licensed account information service providers to obtain access to:

  • general account information, such as the name of the account holder(s) and/or
  • transaction information, such as the amount and entry date

Account information can only be accessed after the relevant InsingerGilissen account holder(s) has granted explicit permission. 

API InsingerGilissen – payment initiation
The API for payment initiation enables one-off payments to be made from accessible online current accounts at InsingerGilissen. 

This type of one-off payment can only be executed after the relevant InsingerGilissen account holder(s) has granted explicit permission.

API InsingerGilissen – Confirmation of availability of funds
The API for confirming the availability of funds enables third-party card issuers to receive confirmation (i.e. a yes/no answer) that the InsingerGilissen client has sufficient available funds.

Please contact our helpdesk if you are a licensed third party that wishes to make use of InsingerGilissen’s APIs and have further questions. The helpdesk can be reached on business days between 8.30am and 5.30pm on +31 (0)20 527 66 66.
